Saturday, September 13, 2014

Blog Post #2

In “Virtual Popularity Isn’t Cool – It’s Pathetic,” Ian Daly conducts an analysis of our society’s infatuation with social media.  Daly begins his article by introducing the ever growing popularity of Facebook. From a college dormitory to a worldwide phenomenon these social media sites have people around the globe locked to their computers. The article targets adult males, showing how widespread the effect these sites have on daily life. Daly claims that this so called addiction or infatuation is pathetic; but in today’s technology based society can one truly avoid being sucked in to the cyber-world of social media?

After reading Ian Daly’s article “Virtual Popularity Isn’t Cool – It’s Pathetic”, I couldn’t help but laugh. I have never been one to be consumed by social media sites. When these sites began growing more and more popular, my mom always criticized those who shared their every move on the internet. First of all, it isn’t safe. With the ability to tag where you are, who you are with, and what you are doing a complete stranger could pinpoint exactly where you are and confront you. Secondly, why do people feel the need to share their lives online?  I personally deleted my Facebook specifically because my “friends” felt the need to complain about their perfectly normal lives. Lastly, I agree with Daly’s claim that this so called popularity is pathetic, but not in the sense of overuse. I believe that individuals feel as though they are superior to their peers, giving them the courage to bash fellow social media users. This courage to terrorize others online is humiliating to our society as a whole. So next time you log onto a social media account, take a second to think about who is really viewing what you post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth, I have to say that I totally agree with your response. I also wrote about this article because I thought that what Daly wrote was really true. I also think it's really dumb to see people post their every moment moves on Facebook. It gets really annoying. I have a Facebook only because it's one of the ways I keep in touch with family and friends that aren't close
